Tuesday, May 1, 2012

No Distress Calls Here...Right?

Happy May Day everyone!

It is weird to think that the 2012 year is a quarter of the way completed. I have been extremely busy this last week.

I finished finals on Wednesday and have spent the time working 8:30am-5pm at Craft Supplies. I have been wokring those hours everyday since that time and always come home tired. Plus, I have had some deadlines to keep and have been up late many nights to fulfill said deadlines (I know what all are thinking...why am I up so stinking late now writing in my blog and not going to bed?). I guess that is where I am in my life at the moment though. I have a feeling that for a while I will be tired. I will drag myself out of bed and face the day of school and work, staying up late cleaning, doing homework, and all sorts of crazy stuff and be grateful I have a bed to sleep on during those times...and I don't think anything will let up for a while.

Something that I have been doing recently is generating a grauation plan. At the moment it just looks very daunting to me. Even if I keep my credit load to 12 credits, I have tough classes a head of me. I have huge goals and BIG plans but I tell you, it is going to be a long haul.

I have had time to think about life. I was unable to sleep for a 2 hour span between the hours of 2am and 4am, but it was a productive 2 hours of  not sleeping. I realized that I may never get adequate sleep, just, what I call survival sleep from here on out. I am amazed when people tell me that got 7 hours of sleep. I can generally function relatively normal on 4-5 hours of sleep. Some nights I am not so lucky to even get 4 hours. I have a mind that thinks and processes best when I am just laying down. I thin some of my dreams are the product of my brain attempting to sort out all kind of information. A few nights ago, I had an awful nightmare that I had failed out of school and lost sight of my goals...but within the nightmare some revelations came about that I do not intend to share at the moment. These were things I had been contemplating for a while and made some amazing realizations. So, I guess not all of the dream was bad. Anyways, I was last night for two hours and made another realization that even when I do get down time (like now), I feel a need to remain busy. My down time rarely lasts long. Maybe, I should take some advice and spend one of these summer Saturdays reading a book outside and soaking up the sun! I know that I will have some opportunities to go home early from work and school...maybe I will go home and find time for my niece this summer...just the two of us in the backyard on a nice summer day! Even when I graduate, I will still be working, unless by some miracle I marry a VERY wealthy man, or being a mom to someone (my kids or assisting in some way to the rearing of other children...or even people...more on that philosophy later). I am not making sense anymore but it makes sense to me. Maybe it is a sign to go to bed soon?

I promised in the last blog (or two) to talk of my exercise progress. Funny it should be mentioned, simply due to the fact that the Sunday School lesson at church was on Provident Living and included a challenge to improve our physical health throught proper diet and exercise. Does walking at work count? Because I do. I walk up and down aisles to pick orders and stock items. I think it counts! Anywho, the other day I timed myself for a 1k run (I know...only running 0.62 miles is not impressive, but I have start somewhere, right?). According to my iPod I am averaging a 12 minute mile, which I am not happy about I would love 10 minutes or less. My time for my first 1k was 7 minutes and 57 seconds. I plan on being in the 6 minute range by mid-May *crosses fingers.*

Okay, now it is definitely time for bed. I will catch you all later!

P.S. Can I just say, having a former student of mine text me after she read previous blog about my woes with colorguard made my day! She sent a great one too and I still have it!

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