Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Neverending Work

I finally finished my graduation plan...well, most of it. I have an assignment from my counselor to have some back up options in case things go wrong, such as not getting a high enough grade or finding it is not available for the planned term. That, though, will come later. I have BIG goals and plans for myself and my education! But all that will reveal itself in due time! I have a plan for a blog involving all that shenanigans!

Even though I have had a rather productive evening, I still have a lot of work to do over the next few days. My goal is to have my room relatively cleaned and everything sorted by Saturday evening (Sunday morning at the earliest). I say relatively because I know it will not be to where I had planned to have it for a while. But I would like it presentable. I am amazed though at how much junk I didn't need. I have already gone through my recycle box four times (I have a box under my desk that I use for recycling, usually paper). I have gone through several trash bags and have a feeling the upcoming garage sale could present a nice bit of money for me! Here's to hoping! It just feels like there is always work to be done. On my to-do list, right after cleaning my room (and sorting and organizing) I have the phrase "thoroughly clean the bathroom" listed. This means to find ways to hide everything on the counter and sink since I probably have one of the smaller bathrooms in the house and share it with the guest bedroom and any potential guest.

So, the work is never ending, but at least I have a few things completed! Now, here is to hoping things turn out better! I plan on giving an update tomorrow about what was accomplished. Maybe this time I will actually do some exercising and get myself into shape!

I think some me time is calling! Good night!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I recall that needing to clean your room is a common problem/need of yours. And YEAH on having a graduation plan!