Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tears of Sorrow, Happiness and Pride

My students had rehearsal tonight. Lindsay and I know the girls are ready and just worked on a few little things here and there to get them ready for State on Saturday. Then we had their final run through before State. Lindsay lost it because it was sadly the last time she would see the show. Itried hard to be the strong one, knowing I would still have at least one more show (two if they make finals) before we start a new season with some former members, some new members and with less of Lindsay's spunk and personality (sad). So, I waited until I was in the car...and then I cried. I cried my sorrowful tears for Heather, wanting and needing her here; for Mama Susan knowing she would not have her only daughter physically here to calm her; for Lindsay for not having what I get next year; and for me and the team knowing that in a few short weeks we will be different.

But I also cried happy tears too. I mentioned to my girls how high they have set the bar for next year. They have averaged sixth place (top 6 in our division go to finals on Saturday) and achieved the highest placement and score they have ever received in the past last week. They are so close to placing (top 3 place) and could receive he needed recognition they need. They were happy today and that always makes me happy. I cried knowing next year could get much better.

I then had tears of pride. Lindsay and I brought these kids along and helped them achieve their goals. We both have had the amazing opportunity to watch them grow and develop as performers. I could list off each one of them and tell you their personality, how they think, where their motivation lies and why they do colorguard. I love all of them like my own 10 of those crazy, dorky kids. They will probably be the death of me one day, but I grow to love them more and more everyday.

I think about the journey I have been on with these kids and I learn something new everyday. I learn how to handle irate parents, how to deal with teenager, when is the best time to motivate students and so on.  I am so looking forward to the upcoming 2011-2012 season.

Now, off to bed. I have a long weekend ahead of me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It Really Is March Madness

I hear talk of March Madness in terms of basketball season, but I am going through March Madness in terms of life in general. I am writing this blog when I should be in class. Now you may be asking, "Kristen, Why are you not in class?" That is a very good question. You see for the past week, my life has consisted of nothing but school and teaching colorguard. Plus, this week, I had cleaning checks for the apartment which is basically a white glove inspection for the entire apartment. The last two nights I have stayed up nearly all night to finish homework, sew more flags, clean, and finish midterms. I finally went to bed, this morning at 4am after finishing up everything that needed to get done! In my exhausted condition I forgot to set my alarm. However, my phone was on and, after receiving a few text messages from my sister, I woke up realizing it was 7:55am. My class was starting in five minutes. It takes about 10 minutes to get to school and I was not even ready yet. Just getting my ballet stuff together and putting in my contacts would take about ten minutes. So, I decided to carefully take my time with everything and then come to school. So, here I sit in a computer lab writing important emails and updating the general public about my crazy busy life. I think I will start with school.

Midterms seem to last forever. I take my last midterm today and I am stoked to have midterms over with. But then tomorrow my second Chemistry test starts. I am so excited to have a three-day Spring Break next week to finally unwind a bit and relax. I will still be teaching as my students don't have spring break until April, but no classes, hopefully no homework, and enough time to relax a bit! In about seven to eight weeks I get to start the process of finals (exciting would be too sarcastic for everyone). I am not looking forward to finals but it is a way of life I guess. Then I get a nice week and a half long break before starting summer semester!

My job as the colorguard co-director at Springville High School is turning out to be successfully stressful. I do love it though. I love watching my kids excel! I have to sew non-stop for ALA though and that keeps me busy all the time (the sewing finally ends on Saturday). We had a mishap with the ALA flags and I decided to take them home and fix them. My Springville kids are on the cusp of complete success. Last year they were last all the time. This year they are averaging sixth place, but Lindsay and I know they can do much better than sixth place (we think they can do as well as third place)! We will see what happens on April 2nd (Circuit/State Championships).

I have two more things I want to address before I wrap up this blog. First, I am trying to decide if I want to make this blog protected. I don't mind sharing my views and opinions with other people but some people are just plain stupid when it comes to reading things on a person's blog. I have not decided to do so yet but it is an option I am pondering.

The second thing is this...while cleaning my room yesterday, I found a HUGE list of goals I want to accomplish. I am planning on posting it here. Some of it is personally. But it shows people how I think too. I have categorized the list into spiritual goals, educational goals, physical goals, etc. I plan on posting it here and even showing a picture of how long it is (one category takes up 3/4 of a page). Yeah, just some thoughts and pre-cursors to what is to come!

Until next time (hopefully soon), I hope everyone has a fantastic day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marching Forward

I can't believe it is already March. This semester is drawing to a close. In 23 days I can pick my classes for the summer term and in 30 days I can go ahead and pick classes for fall term. I have a rough idea of how busy my summer is going to be. So far, my students have parade rehearsals in the mornings from 6am to 9am every Tuesday and Thursday. I plan on having morning classes and possibly working part-time in the afternoon or evening hours (we'll see how that goes). But I need to add in rehearsals for my students in August, Band Council and Staff meetings, and I would love to schedule in some fun!

Thanks to the idea of the semester drawing to a close, all my teachers have decided to dump massive amounts of homework on me. I just finished writing a ballet critique paper and will have to write two more papers for my modern dance class this upcoming week. In chemistry, I finally understand everything...yes, everything, from the previous chapters now. It felt like I was going through the motions, but now everything is clicking. Papers and tests are all I seem to do these days. Plus, I recently helped pick the percussion staff for summer parade and fall marching band. Oh the joys of a growing group. I don't mind that the Springville Marching Band and Colorguard is growing, in fact, that is a good problem to have, but sitting through interviews for potential staff members can get tedious and boring. Then there is the "problem" of picking which staff more will fit with our team. Glad the interviews are over!

I feel that march is kind of a turning point for many people. It is the transition time between winter and spring (unless you live in and the quarter mark of the year. For me, it is the time to thing about the rest of the year as it approaches. For my colorguard students, it is the time for me and my co-director to start looking at what next year will hold for them even though their season doesn't end until April. It the time to focus on school as finals approach and think of the coming terms and how each term will benefit me as a student. Deadlines start popping up and everything seems to happen at once. So all I can do is "March forward."