Monday, June 2, 2008

I May Have Already Given One...

But everybody loves an update. I am in Colorado (going on to day 12)! We have had interesting weather here. In fact, today we were in the middle of our ensemble run through (we do a part of the show) and in the middle of a toss on flag, I here the following..."STOP. GRAB EVERYTHING AND TAKE COVER. COLORGUARD KEEP YOUR EQUIPMENT HORIZONAL AND EVERYONE RUN THE CARS AND WAIT FOR THE SIGNAL!!!!" Can you say mass chaos? Everyone was running around gathering their stuff and trying to take cover from the thunder and lightening storm. It wouldn't be a problem if the insturments, the flag poles, the sabres, the scaffolding and the pit equipment weren't all made of metal. As you can see, we are just an accident waiting to happen...haha. After the coast was clear we went back to rehearsal with great caution. Good news...!!! I get a free day on Thursday! I hope I am not stuck with all the people staying here though (just for everyones information, there is a family of five plus eight other people under one roof). The seven other people staying here apparently have a problem and I suspect it is with me. All I here is, "well...SOMEBODY (insert topic here). Since six of these seven people are best friend's and grew up together and they were all in the same room, well, there are two possiblities, me and (for confidentiality purposes I will not use her or anyone elses real name) Mo and everybody loves Mo. Whatever, if people have a problem with me why do they not have the decency to tell me to my face. I am over it. We are sick of tired of each other and just need a break. Stella is always a little edgy (she was pissed off this morning when I woke up five minutes after her to make breakfast. She wondered were I was when she woke up, and when I offered to help, all she said was, "well, I don't need it now since you decided to sleep in." I just want to tell her to chill about everything, because apparently nothing is perfect in her eyes...whatever. I am over all of it. I just keep to myself except for Mo, AL, and Mr. Mexican (again...nicknames).

Other than those problems, I am loving every minute of drum corp. Okay, time for bed. I have to be up at 6am to make breakfast.

My love to all!
