Saturday, May 5, 2012

Punk Rock and Chick Flicks Pt. 2

Yes, this is a continuation of the blog I made from yesterday (haha...30 Seconds to Mars reference...they made a music video for their song "From Yesterday" off of their A Beautiful Lie Album). Yesterday's blog talked of some inspiration and potential projects occurring in the future. I figured I would write a blog about one or two of these projects I intend on completing. One of the main projects I am doing will benefit the rest of my projects (or so I hope).

I am titling this BIG project of mine Spring Cleaning. Now, I know certain people will continue to inform me of my cleaning and organizing projects going by the wayside (*cough* Hannah *cough*) but I have some motivation and have a goal to fulfill. Plus, as mentioned, I have several other projects in mind and need the space to complete said projects. Also, my family is having a massive garage sale in June and I plan on utilizing the garage sale to my advantage. I think my Mom and sister pointed out that I could easily make $100 off of the clothes I own alone. I also want to go through everything and then post pictures of the journey of moving permanently to Utah. I am having a difficult time getting the first pictures of my bedroom off my phone but I can give everyone a picture of the mayhem that comes with deep cleaning and organizing...

 This is what happens when you go through gets worse before it gets better.

 The hallway right outside of my bedroom. The box has clothes and various other items I am planning on getting rid of. The laundry basket has clean towel waiting to be put in the linen closet behind this mess and the bins are the empty bins I have gone through.

Part of the storage room in the basement. More stuff to go through and get rid of.

 ...and more of the storage room and yet more to get rid of.
 This is some stuff that was in my car but has since been moved to my bedroom to get cleaned out. Luckily most of it was trash so I just opened up the trash bag and dumped it all in.

 The area I have spent the time time organizing. It is a bit cleaner now...

Probably the cleanest spot in my bedroom (although not very organized...yet).

So, needless to say I have quite a lot to do in such a small amount of time but I think the end result will be rewarding. I will have all my books safe and sound in one place, my closet will be less crowded (picture of my closet will come later), and I will be happy and relieved to have my bedroom done. Afterwards, I can decorate to my hearts content...and with my mild pinterest addiction I may be doing more and more projects for my room this summer!

Once I get my room completed, next thing on my spring cleaning list is the bathroom. I don't get a lot of room in the bathroom so I need to utilize what little space I have with it. I am thinking of moving the cleaning supplies to the linen closet in the hallway and that way I have more room!

Now, on to some more of my inspirations that will lead into some of the projects to be revealed later! I found my art supplies while going through some boxes and I am excited to say that my oil pastels are still intact! Can you say art project?! I am excited!

Now, I will leave you with a hint about tomorrow's blog because it is going to be exciting!...

That is all you are getting for now!

Good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) I'm glad to see you have made progress Kris. And I think you could make some good money at the family garage sale. Keep up the good work!