Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I May Be Biased...

I may be a bit biased but my niece is the most gorgeous and cutest little munchkin in the world. I was finally able to get the photos from her birthday uploaded to my computer without much of a glitch. I was looking at the pictures from her birthday and pictures I have when she was a wee little thing of four days old (she was four days old when I got to first hold her)! So, here are some birthday pictures (I won't post too many, that is for my sister to do)!

I think Papa (Kory's Dad) had too much fun putting balloons in baby girl's hair! They would stick and then she would looking for a way to grab them with very little success.

 She is such a happy (and super cute) one year old!

 These are the cupcakes Michele made for her on her birthday!

 Admiring grandma and grandpa's present!

After baby girl took a look at my present. I hope she loves it for years to come. The little sock money is super cute!
Attempting to crawl over Auntie Kali's legs (Kali is Kory's sister).

I would say it was an overall successful day for everyone. We are happy baby girl had a nap before all the festivities or we would have had a cranky pants on our hands. We even got to skype family in Washing ton to say hi. I think they were more interested in the baby than us!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Why I Love, and Hate, the First Day of Term

As is obvious, I am currently on a break in between classes for school. I still have one more class before I head off to work. Now, I am looking through courses for Summer and Fall. Why? Because I want to maximize my work schedule while getting all the requirements that I need for my major. I am on the waitlist for a required class but if I go to it then my schedule becomes full all day Monday and Wedenesday leaving me with Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays to work most of the day (I would go until 9:45am on Fridays and then head off to work from about 10am-5pm). I am trying to work it out so that some of my classes are in the evenings that way I can have some in the morning, work, some in the evenings and then do homework! One of the classes I need, a Chemistry class, is everyday from 11am-12:50pm, except for Fridays. It would just be for the first block, meaning once June 22nd hit, I could go back to working most days as all day! This is why I love, and hate the first day of school. I go to classes, figure out which teacher(s) could benefit me and my learning, style, re-arrange my schedule as needed, meet with advisers, re-work plans, finalize my work schedule for that block of time and still have some time for my social life and for myself!

I am happy to report that my manager at work has said the company is willing to work with my school schedule because when I get to work, I work hard and know exactly what to do. He also understands that I am attempting to knock out as many credits as possible so that in the fall, I can be of the utmost value to the company. So far, with the schedule I have in mind this summer, I can be at work everyday for fall term by 11:30am! Now, if I spread everything out and try to maximize my work schedule for the summer then in the fall, I am at work at 11:30am for only a few of the days of the week. Oh decisions. It is time for me to go check out a few more things and get some school stuff in order, but I had to vent my frustration and my first day back at school excitement or I would not have been able to focus for my next class.

I will keep everyone updated regarding my class schedule for the next little while.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Baby Birthdays and Great Graduations!

I have been attempting to upload pictures for the past hour, but my computer is being stupid at the moment, so sadly the pictures will have to wait. Baby girl was so happy at the party! We had food, did birthday cupcakes (my family is not a huge cake family) and had lots of fun being together. Baby girl loved her gifts. I got her the purple sock monkey as noted on the previous post. I hope she can enjoy it for years to come!

I find it hard believe that it has been a year since her surprise birth (I say surprise simply because she came 5 weeks prior to her due date of June 7th). I remember how the events played out. I had been in Oregon helping my mom because she was having ankle surgery and my Dad was in Malaysia at the time. My mom had ankle surgery on Wednesday. Friday morning at around 7am the phone rang. My parents had caller ID at the time and it would usually tell my parents which kid was calling. When the phone rang however, the caller ID simply said "Utah number." I answered it wondering what was going on and was surprised to hear Michele's voice on the other end. She asked for mom so I handed Mom the phone. My mom and Michele briefly talked but I figured from the conversation something was happening! I heard the words "baby" and "today." It was time. Baby was arriving earlier than expected. While this was happening, I went to my mom's computer to pull up Skype and attempt to call Dad on the other side of the world. The only times we could call were early in the morning or later in the evenings due to the time difference, although something tells me if we had to wake him up to tell him his grandbaby was making her appearance soon, he wouldn't have been too angry. I made to attempts to Skype with no success, so instead I typed "The moment you get this message, please get on Skype. It is vitally important." I knew Dad would be up soon, so I wrote out the message and made sure he saw it by hitting enter a few times so the message would repeat itself.

While that was happening Mom had already notified the Cummings and Passmore's of a new addition and was asking for assistance to go downstairs. I got everything prepared to help her get down the stairs in her bulky cast when I heard the Skype on Mom's computer ringing. Dad was on the other line! I ran downstairs to answer and told him he had to wait while I got Mom into her chair for the day! Once she was settled Mom informed Dad that baby girl was on her way! We were all anxious and waiting for the news that baby girl was here safe and sound and healthy. Our biggest concern was how early she was. We kept wondering if her early timing would land her in the NICU. If so, that was another medical concern our families would be facing along with her club feet. I went to the high school that day to visit some former teachers and friends. When I got home from the visit, Mom informed me that baby girl arrived at 4pm that day. Pictures were abundant on facebook and we were constantly making calls that day!

I didn't get to physically see and hold baby girl until Tuesday. I was scheduled to land in Salt Lake City Sunday evening and was told that Michele and Kory wanted time with their new little one! Kory went back to work on Tuesday. I received a call from my mom stating it was time for me to go to Michele's. Apparently she was having some difficulties and needed an extra hand. While sister napped, I spent the whole time just holding baby girl and admiring her tiny self (she weighed in at 5 lbs. 11 oz. and could fit comfortably from the crease of my elbow to my wrist). Today, we still swoon over her and smother her with hugs, cuddles and kisses galore! Today she was excited for new toys and to be loved on even more by friends and family! I love you baby girl! Here's to another wonderful year with you!

Another big event occurred this weekend that has both the Cummings and Sekaquaptewa's extending the celebrations! Baby girl's father, Kory, graduated with his Master's in School Counseling. It was awesome to see he walk across the stage and have his hard work pay off!

Again, pictures are forthcoming from both events! What an eventful weekend. Now, off to bed. I start summer term of school tomorrow and want to be well rested!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Punk Rock and Chick Flicks Pt. 2

Yes, this is a continuation of the blog I made from yesterday (haha...30 Seconds to Mars reference...they made a music video for their song "From Yesterday" off of their A Beautiful Lie Album). Yesterday's blog talked of some inspiration and potential projects occurring in the future. I figured I would write a blog about one or two of these projects I intend on completing. One of the main projects I am doing will benefit the rest of my projects (or so I hope).

I am titling this BIG project of mine Spring Cleaning. Now, I know certain people will continue to inform me of my cleaning and organizing projects going by the wayside (*cough* Hannah *cough*) but I have some motivation and have a goal to fulfill. Plus, as mentioned, I have several other projects in mind and need the space to complete said projects. Also, my family is having a massive garage sale in June and I plan on utilizing the garage sale to my advantage. I think my Mom and sister pointed out that I could easily make $100 off of the clothes I own alone. I also want to go through everything and then post pictures of the journey of moving permanently to Utah. I am having a difficult time getting the first pictures of my bedroom off my phone but I can give everyone a picture of the mayhem that comes with deep cleaning and organizing...

 This is what happens when you go through everything...it gets worse before it gets better.

 The hallway right outside of my bedroom. The box has clothes and various other items I am planning on getting rid of. The laundry basket has clean towel waiting to be put in the linen closet behind this mess and the bins are the empty bins I have gone through.

Part of the storage room in the basement. More stuff to go through and get rid of.

 ...and more of the storage room and yet more to get rid of.
 This is some stuff that was in my car but has since been moved to my bedroom to get cleaned out. Luckily most of it was trash so I just opened up the trash bag and dumped it all in.

 The area I have spent the time time organizing. It is a bit cleaner now...

Probably the cleanest spot in my bedroom (although not very organized...yet).

So, needless to say I have quite a lot to do in such a small amount of time but I think the end result will be rewarding. I will have all my books safe and sound in one place, my closet will be less crowded (picture of my closet will come later), and I will be happy and relieved to have my bedroom done. Afterwards, I can decorate to my hearts content...and with my mild pinterest addiction I may be doing more and more projects for my room this summer!

Once I get my room completed, next thing on my spring cleaning list is the bathroom. I don't get a lot of room in the bathroom so I need to utilize what little space I have with it. I am thinking of moving the cleaning supplies to the linen closet in the hallway and that way I have more room!

Now, on to some more of my inspirations that will lead into some of the projects to be revealed later! I found my art supplies while going through some boxes and I am excited to say that my oil pastels are still intact! Can you say art project?! I am excited!

Now, I will leave you with a hint about tomorrow's blog because it is going to be exciting!...

That is all you are getting for now!

Good night!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Punk Rock and Chick Flicks!

After work I felt very exhausted (as I am sitting down now I can feel exhaustion creeping up on me). I had plans to go with Victoria to dinner and a movie at the dollar theatre (okay, so the weekend rate is $2 but better than the usual $8 price at a regular theatre). After some yummy Cafe Rio we went and saw the movie The Vow. I cried like a baby in that movie. Then on the way home, I rolled down the windows of my car and played 30 Seconds to Mars A Beautiful Lie album. These two unlikely genres got me thinking about a lot of things.

1) In the movie, the characters talk of following your heart and taking risks.

2) 30 Seconds to Mars always makes the quote "be outside of your comfort zone or you will never be able to create something amazing.

So, the drive home, I thought of new creative projects to work on. Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Motivation? We Shall See...

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to go...at 5am! I know, strange since I didn't finish my shower and get to bed until about 1am (back to the surviving off of 4-5 hours of sleep deal again?). However, I knew I would be exhausted in the middle of work so I fought to urge to get up and do something, but now I am wondering if I should have spend that time exercising. I already posted my goal of hitting a 1k in under seven minutes (if possible) but I want to have a more consistant exercise plan. So, I have decided to come up with a reward system. I weighed myself this morning. Now, for my height I am not "fat" per say but I am on the higher end of the weight scale.

I am going to try and think of a reward by tomorrow so I have something to work towards!

For now I will sleep!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Neverending Work

I finally finished my graduation plan...well, most of it. I have an assignment from my counselor to have some back up options in case things go wrong, such as not getting a high enough grade or finding it is not available for the planned term. That, though, will come later. I have BIG goals and plans for myself and my education! But all that will reveal itself in due time! I have a plan for a blog involving all that shenanigans!

Even though I have had a rather productive evening, I still have a lot of work to do over the next few days. My goal is to have my room relatively cleaned and everything sorted by Saturday evening (Sunday morning at the earliest). I say relatively because I know it will not be to where I had planned to have it for a while. But I would like it presentable. I am amazed though at how much junk I didn't need. I have already gone through my recycle box four times (I have a box under my desk that I use for recycling, usually paper). I have gone through several trash bags and have a feeling the upcoming garage sale could present a nice bit of money for me! Here's to hoping! It just feels like there is always work to be done. On my to-do list, right after cleaning my room (and sorting and organizing) I have the phrase "thoroughly clean the bathroom" listed. This means to find ways to hide everything on the counter and sink since I probably have one of the smaller bathrooms in the house and share it with the guest bedroom and any potential guest.

So, the work is never ending, but at least I have a few things completed! Now, here is to hoping things turn out better! I plan on giving an update tomorrow about what was accomplished. Maybe this time I will actually do some exercising and get myself into shape!

I think some me time is calling! Good night!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

No Distress Calls Here...Right?

Happy May Day everyone!

It is weird to think that the 2012 year is a quarter of the way completed. I have been extremely busy this last week.

I finished finals on Wednesday and have spent the time working 8:30am-5pm at Craft Supplies. I have been wokring those hours everyday since that time and always come home tired. Plus, I have had some deadlines to keep and have been up late many nights to fulfill said deadlines (I know what all are thinking...why am I up so stinking late now writing in my blog and not going to bed?). I guess that is where I am in my life at the moment though. I have a feeling that for a while I will be tired. I will drag myself out of bed and face the day of school and work, staying up late cleaning, doing homework, and all sorts of crazy stuff and be grateful I have a bed to sleep on during those times...and I don't think anything will let up for a while.

Something that I have been doing recently is generating a grauation plan. At the moment it just looks very daunting to me. Even if I keep my credit load to 12 credits, I have tough classes a head of me. I have huge goals and BIG plans but I tell you, it is going to be a long haul.

I have had time to think about life. I was unable to sleep for a 2 hour span between the hours of 2am and 4am, but it was a productive 2 hours of  not sleeping. I realized that I may never get adequate sleep, just, what I call survival sleep from here on out. I am amazed when people tell me that got 7 hours of sleep. I can generally function relatively normal on 4-5 hours of sleep. Some nights I am not so lucky to even get 4 hours. I have a mind that thinks and processes best when I am just laying down. I thin some of my dreams are the product of my brain attempting to sort out all kind of information. A few nights ago, I had an awful nightmare that I had failed out of school and lost sight of my goals...but within the nightmare some revelations came about that I do not intend to share at the moment. These were things I had been contemplating for a while and made some amazing realizations. So, I guess not all of the dream was bad. Anyways, I was last night for two hours and made another realization that even when I do get down time (like now), I feel a need to remain busy. My down time rarely lasts long. Maybe, I should take some advice and spend one of these summer Saturdays reading a book outside and soaking up the sun! I know that I will have some opportunities to go home early from work and school...maybe I will go home and find time for my niece this summer...just the two of us in the backyard on a nice summer day! Even when I graduate, I will still be working, unless by some miracle I marry a VERY wealthy man, or being a mom to someone (my kids or assisting in some way to the rearing of other children...or even people...more on that philosophy later). I am not making sense anymore but it makes sense to me. Maybe it is a sign to go to bed soon?

I promised in the last blog (or two) to talk of my exercise progress. Funny it should be mentioned, simply due to the fact that the Sunday School lesson at church was on Provident Living and included a challenge to improve our physical health throught proper diet and exercise. Does walking at work count? Because I do. I walk up and down aisles to pick orders and stock items. I think it counts! Anywho, the other day I timed myself for a 1k run (I know...only running 0.62 miles is not impressive, but I have start somewhere, right?). According to my iPod I am averaging a 12 minute mile, which I am not happy about I would love 10 minutes or less. My time for my first 1k was 7 minutes and 57 seconds. I plan on being in the 6 minute range by mid-May *crosses fingers.*

Okay, now it is definitely time for bed. I will catch you all later!

P.S. Can I just say, having a former student of mine text me after she read previous blog about my woes with colorguard made my day! She sent a great one too and I still have it!