Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Next Project...

I have had a goal for the past little while to write a novel and get it published. I am not going for anything spectacular. I am not expecting to produce a New York Times Bestseller book. I just think it would be fun to write a book (or two...or more if I decide to make it a series) and get it published. But, I am a perfectionist and being as such I am going to want it editted like no other. I am taking a friends advice and just write until I have nothing else to write and then go through and do a self-editting. Then, I should hand out a few copies to people I trust for some more extensive editting and, if I get lucky enough to have an agent or a publisher or editor, have even more editting done. It will take a lot of work and be a long process, but trust me when I say I want to do this. I have a few goals. Tonight, plan on starting it and reaching 1,000 words! I want to have a basic draft that I have promised to two people already by August 31st, but we'll see if I reach that goal with school and job hunting. Like I said, a new project for me to take on...

Here we go!

Note: I may post quotes and small excerpts form my story on here from time-to-time...or I may create a new blog altogether...I will keep everyone posted!


Dorm Bedding said...

I think you have a good plan in place....best of luck getting it completed & published :)

Dorm Bedding said...

Spectacular or not, writing a book is a huge undertaking...good luck with it!!!