Friday, October 7, 2011

Finding Myself By Getting Lost...

I have had a rough couple of weeks recently. I rarely share them with people because I just don't want too. However, I saw a friend of mine yesterday while I was sitting in the food court eating some lunch. I can usually spot him because he has longer hair (well, longer than most guys) and he always has his guitar with him. This time, I didn't even notice him. So, I sat down and barely five seconds after I sit down he has planted his stuff at the table I was sitting at. He said Hi and immediately asked what was wrong. He knew something was off. Apparently he had said hi as I passed his table but I just bee lined it to the one I eventually choose. He did not know me to be so unfocused and not notice people. So, I proceed to talk, just talk...and he listened. We had a conversation and something about going away for a while to find myself came up. He encouraged me to find a significant among of time (several weeks) to just disappear for a while...go somewhere to "find who you are because sometimes we need that." Now, I am not saying I would do this now, but just sounds so nice. He even said something that made me happy..."you don't have to go to a vacation spot to disappear. It can be anywhere you want or no where at all. Just find time for yourself. Disappear..." Maybe in order to find myself, I have to get lost...I like that idea!

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