Wednesday, October 26, 2011

...and they're off!

***NOTE: This blog was started on Friday at 2:30am and finished Friday at 11:30pm...

I know, I know...I should be in bed getting as much sleep as possible before band tour tomorrow. I get picked up at 5am and then the mayhem begins...but I can't seem to sleep at the moment. I am excited. Even though the marching band kids have not been doing well in terms of scores, they have excelled as students and performers! I can see them giving it their all at every performance opportunity. I can guarantee the band director and I will most likely not get any sleep, but just may be worth it.

So, as part of my not sleeping routine, I have decided to clean and unpack everything. I have made some interesting discoveries about myself. First, I like to hide money in odd places. In the cleaning that I have done I have found $200 in 20 dollar bills and who knows how much in coins (I am pretty sure it was over $20)! Second, I just have too much stuff. Luckily, I have a GIANT sell pile of stuff I don't need. My sister came a while ago and noted that I could easily make a couple hundred bucks just off the clothing I own that I have never worn or don't fit into anymore! That was a positive thing for her to say and I was quite excited by that prospect! I am hoping for just a bit more than that!

Now, this exhausted girl is crawling into bed!

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