Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm a dork...and so is he! Part 2

Yes, mine and Brian's epic Gaia adventures continue! Today we played a lot of Gaia and realized how much of a geek and a dork both of us were. We played a certain part of the game for gold (the source of income in Gaia) and for Orbs (a way to power up). In this particular section of the game, you put together a crew of about 5-6 people and attempt to defeat the saw blades that come to life and try to stop you from fulfilling this task. There are three levels. The harder the level, the more gold and orbs and rewards you receive. We played this particular section of the game so many times that I leveled up 2.3 levels (yes, that is a HUGE accomplishment in this game). When we finally decided to stop, we sat back for a moment looked at each other, laughed and proceeded to acknowledge how big of dork we are. Then we went back to the process we started yesterday. We looked for ways to make ourselves bigger dorks by finding items for our doctor who character and making companions for him. We also started a petition that we intend to send to Gaia asking them to have doctor who items in the Marketplace. Yes, we are dorks! I am a dork...and so is he! But you know what? We would have it any other way!!!


Dorm Bedding said...

Nice to have a fellow dork to hang out with :)

Dorm Bedding said...

Awww, you two sound cute together :)