Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Many Long Days of Schooling...pt.2

I went to the meeting for my major and was surprised! I will still have a long road a head of me for school (at least two more years, but potenitally more) but my advisor is VERY confident that I can do it! She noticed my hard work and we talked of my education and life goals. She agrees my enthusiasium and work ethic will be the key to my success. Also, she told me summer is a great way to get a head or catch up if I ever need. Essentially, I just have to request a class and the department will try to put it on the list for the following term or make sure it is offered when needed. They were so helpful and very encouraging! I feel so much better about school. I am going to have to have to carry some heavy loads and difficult classes, everyone is confident and excited for me! I am too quite honestly happy even though I know I will probably spend the next little while of my life in the library or at school working long hours on top of working at any place of employment. I was even lucky enough to get some times and days for next semester classes! I am going to have to take a night class here and there (I think on of my classes that I will need is four days a week starting at 5pm and ending at 6:30pm) but I guess that is the sacrifice I must make for education! I am was given some good advice that I may take in consideration. Even though I have taken math all the way up to Trigonometry, I should take it again as a refresher since I will have to go to at least Calculus 1 (possibly higher for my major. I was advsed to take the following in terms of my mathematics...take Trig again in the Spring and then take Introduction to Calculus in the Summer that way I will be ready for Calc 1 by Fall of 2011 and that much closer to finishing math (they may have to add more math to my major due to new state requirements) and that way if for some reason I don't do well in Calc 1 I can take it again in the Spring of 2012 or, if there needs to be more math, I can take more math that Spring! Honestly, I have no idea I am suddenly so excited about school but I am. I have a renewed encouragement. I had been getting to the point in my schooling where I was very tired and drained. I may get there again soon but this could possibly last me the semester!

I am almost done with my goal of 7.5 pages for my portfolio today! I may do one more for good measure and to stay caught up. Even though the first draft is due is three weeks I want to have it done now so that I can get it the people that need to look at it and have editting and revision happening for the next two weeks. I want to make sure my draft is near perfect so that I have very few revisions to make when I am in midterm week because it is due in the middle of midterms. I completed four pages in three hours before the meeting. Although that may not seem like a lot, most of those pages consisted of graphs, tables and spreadsheets that I needed to generate before giving written explaination of the graphs, tables and charts. Now, I will just need to get my three to four other pages for the evening and I will be satisfied. I think I will just work on the easier pages for now so that I am not at the library too late (I would like to go to bed at a decent hour tonight). I was able to finish the 5 pages of reading I needed to do for ballet while waiting for the meeting to start (they were running a little late) so I don't have too much more homework to do after this part of the portfolio is completed! Yeah!

Now...back to work!

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