Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes, We Can!!!

I am so mad I have school today. The Presidential Inauguration is today and I have to be stuck at school while a historic event occurs. I can not wait for President Bush to leave (I really don't like him at the moment...don't get me started on the Border Patrol agents he did not pardon). I think this country needs a President to will actually get things done. I am glad he realizes that we can't stop the war in less than a year, otherwise he would have never gotten my vote. Although if McCain didn't choose Palin I probably would have been torn between the two. Palin scares me and does not need to be in the White House. Anyways, I am excited!!! I have friend that attend University of Utah and will be in the Marching Band and on television for 30 seconds or more. Finally, change we can believe in!!! Yes, we can!!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Actually, he did pardon the Border Patrol agents.