Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lots to Blog About!

I have so much to blog about, it is completely insane. I am going to talk about upcoming projects, my health, and some thoughts that I just need to get out. I have a tight schedule today, but decided I need a break. I have been up since 5:30am and just been doing things like made my bed, had breakfast, and went straight to work tackling my to do list. So, I figured I would start out by talking about my health.

Finally, after several months of just not feeling well, I am on the mend. My kidneys are still acting up but I am getting to a good point. I just have to continue with my antibiotic and drink a whole lot of water over the next week or so to stay healthy. I occasionally wake up to my sides hurting but once I get some water and about 400mg of ibuprofen in my system, my sides stop hurting. I am doing everything I can to not get kidney stones or any other infection. I am done going to the doctor's office and always having something wrong with me.

Now, on to some big project ideas! I found out yesterday that I am staying in my apartment for the duration of my contract (I will post a blog later about the drama of me almost not staying here). So, I have decided to take some time and thoroughly clean my room, then decorate my room. I just have one problem...I don't want to paint the wall for several reasons. First, I will have to paint them back to white when I move out and that is a lot of hassle. Second, I would have to move everything out of my room, paint then move it all back and I am too lazy to do so. Third, I wouldn't know what color to paint it. If anyone has any ideas on how to change the color of my boringly white walls without the mess, please let me know!

Another project I have in mind is a big youtube project. I want to do some video blogging for a while and see how that project does! The next project, my novel, is starting to come into focus. I have all the major plot developments going on I just need to get the details in between each one going! I have an art project I want to do and a teaching project I want to get off the ground.

Phew! There is just so much to do. First, I must start with the more important things that must get done by the end of this week such as homework, cleaning my room, and job hunting

1 comment:

Dorm Bedding said...

For your walls, you could hang textiles to add a little pizzazz....I made fabric panels for my living room which added big splashes of color.