Saturday, April 24, 2010

Finals Week and DIsneyland

Yes, it is Saturday and finals week has not technically started yet. However, I thought I would at least post a blog regarding current happenings since my last post was about the successful season my performance group was given. I can honestly say, now, I rarely know what to do with my time. Every morning I would wake up with a list of things I needed to do that day. I would start and then lose the motivation to continue, so then I would go hang out with my best friend Brian. Now, I am sitting at the computer that sits in my room (since the fan in my other computer decided to die) writing this blog. I started the day by taking Brian to the airport (he will be in various parts of California this week), then I got right to work cleaning my room. I made my bed, started a pile for dirty clothes cleaned off the night stand and cleared enough of a space to get on this computer. I feel very unproductive today, but hopefully that will change once I get off the computer. I have a HUGE list of things that I must get done this weekend or else I may stress a whole lot.

Finals start on Monday, but I am not too worried about most of them yet. One of them is a group presentation and 50% of the grade was whether or not we showed up to Thursdays class, preparation for the presentation (which happened on Thursday) and grade check, so I have at least a 50% on that final already!

I am way excited for what happens after finals...DISNEYLAND!!! Last time I was in Disneyland, I was a wee little thing and barely remember any of the events that took place. It will be nice to be in California again and to not have to worry about school for a while!! I will be taking loads of pictures!! Wednesday night can't seem to come fast enough.

Now, back to cleaning...

1 comment:

Dorm Bedding said...

So nice you have a fun trip to look forward to....a really nice reward for all your hard work :)