Friday, September 4, 2009

A Long Weekend (or Just Three Days)!!!

A whole has been happening since last weeks post. First, I am way excited for this three day weekend. I have a lot planned. I am going to throughly cleaning my room (and give before and after pictures), go to a bridal shower for a dear friend, watch the BYU/Oklahoma game, read a lot of books, finish homework and sleep-in (I think sleeping in will be my favorite part of the weekend). I am already starting on some of my weekend plans by staying in the library for a while to finish my homework and spend some quiet time reading! I think I am going to enjoy this weekend!

Something else I have to dot his weekend is be really honest with a friend. I am going to attempt to talk to my best friend again and what I have to say probably going to upset her even more, but I must be honest with her. I can't lie to her. That will not get us anywhere in our relationship. I think this fight may escalate a little more, but things need to be said. She has to hear the truth. It will not be fun for either of us, but it must happen or I will loose my best friend forever and I can't allow that to happen.

1 comment:

Dorm Bedding said...

I hope everything's a lot better now :)