Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You Know You've Lost a Friend When...

You know you've lost a best friend when the following take place...

1. You cry everyday knowing that she will not get the chance to she it.
2. You look at her blog every time it is updated and feel sad that you are no longer a part of her life.
3. You notice she is happily moving on without you and you are trying to make it through the day without her by your side.
4. She visits your state and sees all her friends...except you.
5. You ask her mother everyday if your best friend is doing okay.
6. You worry about her everyday.
7. You start hundreds of emails to try and get her back, but none of them seem to express your feelings correctly.

Yeah, I miss my best friend and I want her back! I just don't know what will bring her back...

Does she know that I have BIG dreams and I don't want anyone to give up on me, especially her. I always work very hard for what I want, I just need to people to come along for the journey. She is on my list of people I want to not give up on me...EVER. Never give up on who I am, or if I am lost never give up on finding me, never give on my ideas (even if they never happen), just never give up on me.

I have decided to make a list of only some of the people I would not want to leave my life ever...

1.Grandma and Grandpa have to be at the top. From the day I was born that were always proud of me and always tell me like it is. They are the only healthy grandparents I ever knew and I thank them for always believe I could and still can achieve the impossible! They will leave this earth someday (I hoping not anytime soon) and when that day comes I will have to work harder than ever before just to make then the proudest Grandparents anyone has ever seen!

2. Momma and Jessica Dupaix- my best friend and her mom (who is like a mom to me). Before our little tiff, Jess always taught me to be strong and was a rock in my life, since July I have felt unsure about everything. She means the world to me and if she is still willing, she will be a bridesmaid the day that I get married (which will not be for a while). Momma Dupaix has always made me laugh and has never turned her back on me, even when my best friend decided she was not happy with me.

3. All my paternal Aunt's, Uncle's and Cousin's. To all my cousin's, we grew up together played many computer and other games and had fun doing so. I take great pride in learning wisdom from my aunts and uncles and I would hope that even though I am far away from most of them, they are still proud of who I am and what I do!

4. My Aunt Lindsay who is great at giving advice and occasionally spoiling her nieces!

5. Aunt Nancy who is always offering to help out any of her nieces whenever the going gets tough!

Again these are just a few. I will post more about this later.


Gail said...

I am glad your family is mentioned in that list....are we not important...

MarieC said...

Glad we made your list. You are an important part of our lives, and you are right: we are so PROUD of you! Love you bunches!

Dorm Bedding said...

Really sweet post :)