Thursday, August 27, 2009

For Those Who Do and Don't Know...

A lot has happend recently. ore like within the past few months or so things have happened and I have finally started seeing the bigger picture. I have realized that I am going to face some hurt along the way and much of the time I am not going to like whatever is happening...BUT I must do one or more of the following...

1. This is the most important and therefore the first on my list. I must trust in the Lord no matter what. I must rely on Him even through the worst of times. I must remember that when all else fails, He will never leave me and I can always go to Him for anything!!!

2. I have love from many people in my life.

3. No matter what, life is going to freaking hurt but it is what I do to with the hurt and the pain that will determine my path!

4. Life goes on, whether I want it to or not.

5.Everything happens for a reason!

I have learned a lot and still have SO much more to do. To Jess, I love you! For everyone else. I love you too!

1 comment:

MarieC said...

#1 is also #1 on my list. Love you!!