Thursday, December 4, 2008

Finals are a pain...literally!

The other day, both my dance teachers told the class what was expected of us for the final. We will have a written final and a performance final in both classes. Plus, my ballet teacher decides to give her exceptional students another assignment. We are to perform a solo or duet. Some of us (like myself) are able to combine another similar assignment with this one. So, I have spent the last three nights preparing a solo piece that combines ballet with modern (very difficult to do by the way). I have gone to bed every night very sore. I woke up this morning stiff and had to spend an hour stretching. Luckily, my ballet teacher is coaching each of our individual pieces. I am to go meet up with her at 9:20am to show her what I have so far. Yes, this is for a final grade. I asked her if the was optional since only half her class is doing this. She said no. So, I am spending all my remaining energy putting together a piece that is making me sore. You would think that I would be used to it by now. Nope, every three months or so (sometimes more, sometimes less) I feel muscles I never knew I had or that I never thought would be sore. Sometimes though, the same ones that were sore five weeks ago will be sore again because I have learned how to use that muscle more. I am so glad to have a three week break soon. I have been at school every night until about 11pm for the past three nights. I get to take a chemistry test today after I see my ballet teacher. Then I have institute (always my favorite class of the day!) My final in that class is going to be a sheet of paper and the class writes what they learned, how they are doing and if they plan on staying in touch with the teacher! Simplest final and I am way excited for it. No massive brain power and no physical power for both my institute finals! Finals are a pain and I mean that literally!

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