Monday, September 1, 2008

School is in full swing and I hate it. I don't hate school, just the fact that I felt so rushed to get moved in. I am settle into my life style here in Utah once again, but I have not fully settled into my room yet. It is a complete disaster and every time I get one thing done, one box completed, I create a mess by opening another box. I just want to be done. Luckily, this four day weekend helped me to get a whole of things unpacked and put away. What bugs me the most is that I have been here a whole week and have not officially unpacked everything. I have a lot of work ahead and since school has started, there is no chance of my life slowing down any time soon.

1 comment:

MarieC said...

At least school started for you---the boys' teachers are out on strike! UGH! But, I know what you'll feel settled again soon. :-)