Saturday, August 16, 2008

One Down...Several to go...

I have one bag that is either in Utah or on it's way to Utah (thanks Jamie!). I still have a lot more packing to do, but I am getting closer and closer to being done with packing. I think my least favorite part about moving is the whole packing deal. I don't mind unpacking as long as I have a plan (still in the works...hopefully done by Friday!!!). I already have some small boxes's the big ones I worry about.

So, I got a new phone today. Same number...our contract was upgraded (I am on a family plan with my parents and little sister). I got a green phone. It is even in my favorite shade of green!!

Okay, random entry, but I thought I should share!



MarieC said...

Have a GREAT time at school this year!

Jessica said...

Yes but the question is, does this phone hate me as much as the other one? Magic 8 ball says "Yes".