Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year...New List(s)

Happy 2008 to everyone! A new year, so hopefully a new start. But a new year and a new start generally means one thing to me...lists. I am kind of weird person in that I make lists for everything, but mostly I make tons of "to do" lists on the back of used paper. I already have tons of things on this list. You would think that two weeks of winter break would make me relaxed. But due to an illness on New Year's Eve, I am rushing to catch up before tomorrow (the first day of winter semester). I also made a list of projects I want to take on this year, a resolution's list, and a list of ideas I currently have (again another weird thing I do...when I have an idea I write it down and store it somewhere where I can't find for a time, then when I find it, I follow that idea!)! Anyways, I better get cracking at that list!

1 comment:

MarieC said...

You are definitely related to me, List Girl! I live by lists. Right now, much of my list revolves around getting my new computer set up. old one died, but at least I got my files off of it before it totally went kaput.

Happy New Lists!