Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday is Do or Die Day

As many of you know, I work for the Springville High School music department as the colorguard director! Now, as part of my employment there, I assist in generating a budget and finance list to see what I can provide for my students. Due to some recent political upheaval within the Utah WInterguard Circuit, my band director has asked me if I want to stay in the circuit and continue the ever-so-tiring fight with the circuit, or help raise over $2,500 for the kids to go out-of-state and compete. This is a tough call so I asked if I could decide next Monday. There is a fundraiser happening this weekend that the students generally do fairly well in and we are waiting on a grant for new drums and instruments. Everything will be decided officially by Saturday, but since the district office is closed during the weekend, we don't get our final budget report until Monday. So, Monday is a big day to say the least. Monday determine whether we have a choice or not in the matter. I am hoping we have enough funds to stay in the circuit and still travel since the kids will be in the middle of a heat political debate among the circuit board members and directors. Cross your fingers for us!!!

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