Saturday, December 4, 2010


I have decided that I need to create an update blog in light of my blogging absence. I have been working on numerous blogs, but being the perfectionist that I am, I feel I am not ready to post them yet. However, I decided I needed to give somewhat of an update to my blog to let everyone know what is going on in my life in case I take another month to blog.

Yes, it is December...the month of fun, festivities and, yup, finals. I am lucky. I have a final on the 13th and on the 15th but I can work the full eight hours on the 15th (it is the final for my night class. I can take it anytime between 4pm and 8pm). The "final" on the 13th is more of a come to class because I will be taking attendance and it is required to come day. So, my dance teacher is going to have a party and then let us leave early so that some of us can go and study (or go to work early). I have finals all throughout this coming week (about five to be exact) as well as numerous papers and projects to complete. After the final on the 15th (which will be super easy), I will be finished with school until the 5th of January (and even have the whole apartment to myself for a few days!!!)! I am still finalizing my Spring semester schedule, but I will get that posted once everything is set!

I have decided to get my room completely cleaned by December 31st. I need to make sure I have enough room for pending birthday and christmas presents, plus I have noticed that there are some items of clothing I never wear any more and some stuff that I never use. Can you say donations and sell able items?! Okay, so this is where I get a little selfish...I have some clothes that I can sell for money. So, I will sell those ones first. If I can't sell them, THEN I will donate them (I know I have clothes that will not sell at all so those ones will go right into the donate pile). Hopefully, I will get a slight Christmas "bonus" (although I am predicting less than $30). I am even going to post pictures of my room before the cleaning, during cleaning after cleaning and after possibly decorating too, so stay tuned for that). Oh, and I found my camera while cleaning the other day so I will have some pictures to upload!

Yes, I have a job (well, a few of them). I returned to Craft Supplies USA in October but will have to look for another job in January. However, I did get a pay raise this time (by 50 cents)! I think I will start looking after finals so that I have less stress on my shoulders. Another "job" I have involves teaching and I love it. I worked with Springville High School here and there during fall season and have been selected to be a part of the staff for winter season! I am excited. When teaching, you develop a bond with each student. I love each one of those girls and am super excited to get started. I also work with various other high schools mostly answering questions about how to run a program. I am teaching a dance feature (a total of 32 counts or 30 seconds) to a high school in spanish fork but it will be super easy (for me). I love teaching!

I honestly can not believe I turn 23 this month. I don't feel as though I am 23. Maybe because I am still in school? I don't know, but I don't feel as though I am (or going to be) 23. I hope to accomplish many things this upcoming year and then I can say that 23 was my year!

Guess who comes back to the United States on December 10th? My best friend comes home from Afghanistan at that time (although he will be injured). He has informed that he will be home for a while even if he didn't get injured. He will have to be in medical care for the first week home but he should be well enough to hang out with friends from out of state (aka me) during winter break!!! So excited to see him again after a year of worrying if he would come home from the war!

That is all for now. I am tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time updated your blog. Kris, are you really going to get your your clean? From past experience, I have a hard time imagining you with a clean room. ;) I hope you are doing well, miss you!