Sunday, January 24, 2010

Planning Ahead!

I took a look at what I have going on this week and have deicded that it is in my best interest to get ahead in my school work. I am extremely busy this week and will most likely only be home at night to tuck into bed after many exhausting days. I teach a lot and rehearse a whole bunch this week in preparation for Saturdays show. Today and Monday are the only breaks I get from teaching and rehearsing. I will work a whole lot, go to school teach, finish the costumes for my students, take inventory for the emergency box, get video footage going, get thank you letters out to sposors, all while staying healthy so I don't miss Saturdays show (I can't miss I just don't like perofring while sick). Needless, to say, I may die this week. If I do please give me a nice funeral!


Hannah said...

Good luck with everything Kristen!

Dorm Bedding said...

Gosh, I hope your schedule's eased up a bit :)