Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reading Day??? Yeah Right...

Tomorrow is supposed to be our reading day (study day before finals). Except that tomorrow I will be awake bright and early to start my day. I will be at school for at least half the day studying in the library and rehearsing my movement final for Monday. By the way, I have two movement finals on Monday one right after the other and my psychology final is immediately afterwards. I think a nap will be in order that day. Or maybe I will go to bed early. Whichever comes first.Then I have one final a day Tuesday to Thursday while I attempt to start Spring term at BYU (which starts Tuesday). I think I may die just a little.


MarieC said...

Cool! I didn't know you were going to do Spring term at BYU--very fun! Good luck surviving finals. If it makes you feel any better, the boys just barely started 4th quarter this week.

Dorm Bedding said...

Yuck...doesn't sound fun at all :(