Sunday, January 23, 2011


Yesterday was a very big and busy day for my career and for my students. As many of you know, I teach dance and colorguard at Springville High School and American Leadership Academy in Spanish Fork. Every January, the Utah Winterguard Circuit host a Judge's Evaluation show. It allows all the groups in the circuit to perform in front of the judge's and receive feedback for their program and their show. It is also a chance for us instructors to see how we can improve our teaching styles and what needs to be focused on for the year. Both groups did great, but I am most proud of Springville. When they finished performing, the judge's were in a debate as to where to put them (which division they should be placed in. Two judges debated Scholastic Regional A and two debated Scholastic Regional AA. One of the judges that debated Scholastic Regional AA was for the sole purpose that we did not have flags done or the appropriate costumes (they are not finished yet). He then proceeded to explain that when he say the costumes and flags that he could have a better understanding of what we were trying to achieve. I told him about the ideas and he was overall impressed and noted that that will help us move up. Eventually, everyone decided to put Springville in the lowest class for the time being but are predicting great things at the next performance in two weeks (February 5th). I am excited to see how everything turns out.

I found out some information the other day that changes everything and not necessarily in a bad way. I just have to readjust my timeline for my life goals. I can't say anything yet but everything will be revealed in time!

Until next time...ciao!


1 comment:

Hannah said...

Glad your teams did well. So what is going on in your life to change your time line? Details!