Tonight is the last night I am in Washington. Boo. However, I believe this trip was a success! I needed time away from everything to just relax and have fun! I would say lots of swimming, watching movies, going shopping, viewing the Snowqualmie Falls and Train Museum, making and eating blueberry pie and peach cobbler, picking blueberries, reading and relaxing are my idea of a vacation! I just wish I could stay a little longer.
I sense things will change from here on out. Grandpa is slowing way down. I fear he will not make it past a year, or, if he does, he will not have a clear memory of some of his Grandchildren 9such as those of us who live in another State). I do want to come back next year since I love the Northwest so much! Aside from a few scorching hot days, the weather was pleasant! I want the 70 degree weather to come to Utah and stay for a while! I may need to have an extra big hug ready for Grandpa in case I am unable to do so in the future.
I will return to Washington and visit Oregon soon!