Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Long and Busy Day = Burnout?

I think I am going to lock myself in my room and not come out until I have tackled at least half of my to do list. I still need to finish throughly cleaning my room (not just the floor, but actually organizing everything as well), finish my last assignment of the term, get a schedule going for tomorrow, finalize my fall schedule for school, and continue looking for work (still no luck yet). So, I have decided that today I will not get on facebook or watch any T.V. (even if I finish everything) to complete my burnout (meaning I will have breakfast, but not eat a lot today until at least half my list is done). I know, it is a lot to do, however, if I get all this done today then tomorrow's list will be so much easier and I will reward myself with the blessed oppertunity of sleeping in (I may even have a relaxing know, like swimming at the Carriage Cove pool, watching a movie or two, etc.). I just have to focus on today and hope I at least get my room, my assignment and some job hunting done (note that my assignment is practially finished, I just need to edit the paper and submit it via Blackboard)!! Now, off to get breakfast and start my busy day!