Could this be the beginning of another online blog (one of the many I currently have)? Quite possibly. I have only one that is private to the public and one that is semi-private (only a select few people know of it). I figured that I really should start from the beginning!
I am a soon-to-be in my twenties young woman in college. Everyday is a new adventure for me. Something interesting, weird or embarrassing ends up happing to me on a daily basis. I am mormon, LDS, whichever you want to call it, however that does not mean I am voting for Mitt Romney (contrary to popular belief). I have not decided whether or not I am voting for him yet. I am not going to vote for him just because he is mormon. I write down the list of candidates from both the Republican and Democratic party and research every person and their policies on my own time. Whichever one is able to satisfy my beliefs as to how to run a country and can talk about issues I care about, then that is who I will vote for. In case you are wondering, I am consider myself as the Independent party or more of a Liberal Republican and therein lies my dilemma when it comes to voting). I aside from my religious and political beliefs I am an avid dancer (sometimes to my parent's dismay -- long story which will be told at a later date...I promise) and I am addicted to colorguard. I love watching marching band shows and hope to land a job as a colorguard instructor or technician before I get married. I am very ambitious. I currently have an ongoing list of things I want to do or accomplish in life (it gets bigger everyday). I love to learn. If I had it my way and had all the money in the world, I would go to school as much as possible.
Also, I think I may be an insomniac. I not not have a consistent, regular sleeping pattern and every night I wonder about my sleep for that night (or morning depending on what time it is. To sum it up, some nights I am awake all night and others, I fall asleep easily, but end up waking at odd hours of the night with no explanation or knowledge of why I have awaken. So, I may end up having a blog post at 1:00am, 4:30am, 9:30pm, 2:43pm...whenever I can. I never intend to be awake and I really do try hard to fall asleep again. This time in my life is an inconvenient time to have an irregular or non-existent sleeping pattern. School is my number one priority and I can not afford to miss any class.
Well, enough ranting for now. G'Night to all!