Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More Details...

I got the following text today from my friend Cory...

"The cause of her passing is still unknown until some time after the autopsy. She passed in her sleep so she did pass peacefully and it is assumed she had no pain behind her passing. Susan is still in a whole lot of shock of losing her daughter. Apparently, Susan talked to Sara not even six hours before the news of her passing (which is why Susan is in shock). Susan is heading to New Zealand tonight. She has promised an update. More details to follow."

She is not back in the states yet. Apparently, they are doing the autopsy in New Zealand today or tomorrow and then making arrangements for her to come back to the states. Cory then sent me this text which made me cry and smile all at once...

"I think Heather and Sara immediately found each other in heaven, hugged, then started plans for a music and dance/colorguard program in heaven. They are teaching together now! They are happy to have each other there now!"

It is true. Sara missed Heather terribly but decided to teach her Riverton students the way Heather taught her. Now, she can teach along side her too! 

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