Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm a dork...and so is he!

Today was an interesting day to say the least. I have not been feeling well lately and had a small fever this morning when I woke up. I went to school and studied. Then I got a text from my bestest best friend in the entire world, Brian. He texted me asking if I was feeling okay. I explained to him that I didn't feel well (we tell each other everything). I continued to study since I have a test this week. I finally couldn't pay anymore attention, so I went over to his place where he cooked and laid me down on the couch for me to sleep a bit. I slept for a bit while he finished cooking (he loves to cook). He woke me up to get me fed and then we sat and watched a movie for a bit. Then we hoped on the computer to play our favorite game...Gaia!

For those who don't know, Gaia is an online game. You pick a character (avatar) and then you complete a series of tasks, such as defeating ten gnomes or fighting the animated saw blades. Anyways, you get rewards and gold for all tasks completed. So, today, Brian and I decided to get on Gaia and look around the marketplace. Since Brian's character is obviously a boy we decided to look for a suit and that is when the fun and feeling better began! We are both very avid Doctor Who fans. A recent doctor sported a suit and a trench coat for his costume. Part of his story includes a pocket watch in the third season and in the specials! So, we went crazy and purchased a suit, a trench coat and a pocket watch for our "The_Doctor905" character. We also found out that there are at least six other Doctor Who fans. Now, we are attempting to start a petition to have Gaia sell Doctor Who stuff in the Gaia stores so our characters can sport Doctor Who stuff! Needless to say this made my day and I felt better after all of this.

Yes, I know. I am a dork...and so is he! But we wouldn't have it any other way!!!

Yeah for a fun day with my best friend!

Also, can I say how much I like (not love) summer. I love the idea of having day light all the way through 10:00pm! I love it!!!

Alright, I will stop being a dork now...unlikely to happen though!! :)

1 comment:

Dorm Bedding said...

Brian sounds like such a sweetie! I hope you're feeling better :)